Currently there are no open calls..
Your Funding Opportunities @ Geo
Welcome to the funding@geo site of the LMU Faculty of Geosciences!
This site serves as the central place to go for all LMU funding-related actions, which are administered at the level of our faculty.
Third party funding is not part of this site.
This site is dedicated (but not limited) to the academic mid-level staff of the faculty.
Please consider the following guidelines carefully before submitting your proposal!
Before applying, please note:
- Please be aware that it is your responsibility to guarantee the fulfilment of formal requirements (e.g. selection of correct funding scheme, duration of planned measure). The commission will not provide feedback on formal issues. At times, the call will only be open for selected funding schemes so please make sure to select the correct one.
- For items to be procured: The invoice shall be directly paid from the Central Administration of LMU, personal reimbursement claims (Barauslagen) must be avoided.
- LMU excellentPSF: No funding can be provided for basic equipment (“Grundausstattung”) such as laptops, desktop PCs etc.
- In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Mittelbauvertreter via Email.
After your application has been granted, please note:
- The granted funds are restricted to the measure(s) outlined in the decision letter (via Email). In principle, reallocation of funds is possible but must be requested (with explanation for changes) in advance via Email from your Mittelbauvertreter.
- Be aware that such reallocation of granted funds may be rejected depending on the degree of changes made with regard to the original proposal.
- LMU excellentPSF: The granted funds can only be spent in the year for which your application has been granted. Any residual funds CANNOT be transferred to the following year!